At Synergy Foam we have put together simple, easy to read information to help you in choosing the best spray foam insulation provider for your project. Our representatives are trained, knowledgeable, and eager to assist you from consultation to completion. Additionally, we have teamed up with Wally Conway and Home Pro Inspections to offer you Home Energy Audits. Synergy Foam recommends a home energy audit prior to spray foam installation to ensure that all factors contributing to maximum spray foam performance are in place at time of installation. Coupled with our Quality Assurance Program, Synergy Foam reinforces its commitment to its customers by having thermal imaging done by Home Pro Inspections. This third party quality control approach will give you objective assurance that your installation was performed properly.

Ten Things to know about your Spray Foam Insulation Installer

There are several things to consider when you are researching your Spray Foam Insulation installer. Price should not always be the determining factor in this particular investment. Below we have listed several things to consider when looking for a Quality Spray Foam Insulation company.

  • Did the representative take the time to look at all of the areas being insulated?
  • Did the representative explain the product so that you clearly understand the benefits, and did he answer any questions that you may have?
  • Did you receive a written estimate that clearly explains all of the costs of the work being performed?
  • Is the installation company certified by the product manufacturer to install their spray foam insulation?
  • Is the installation company licensed to perform work in your county?
  • Does the installation company have the proper insurance policies to cover you in case of damage to your home, or if someone is injured while at your home?
  • Will the installation company need access to your utilities (Water, Electricity etc…) while performing the work? If they do, did they clearly explain any risks that may be associated with connecting to your utilities?
  • What is the installation company’s quality control program? Can they clearly demonstrate the process and explain its effectiveness?
  • Can the installation company provide you with a list of references of work that is similar to yours?
  • Did you check with the product manufacturer and inquire about the installation company?